FREDMANS: Fuel Recycle and Experimentally Demonstrated Manufacturing of Advanced Nuclear Solutions for Safety. EURATOM2027 Programme (EC-GA 101060800). Duration: 2022-2026 (4 years). ENEN2plus: Building European Nuclear Competence through continuous Advanced and Structured Education and Training Actions. EURATOM2027 Programme (EC-GA 101061677). Duration: 2022-2026 (4 years). SafeG: Safety of GFR through innovative materials, technologies and processes. H2020 EURATOM Programme (EC-GA 945041). Duration: 2020-2024 (4 years). Budget: 4.5 M EUR. A-CINCH: Augmented Cooperation in Education in Nuclear and RadioChemistry. H2020 EURATOM Programme (EC-GA 945301). Duration: 2020-2023 (3 years). Budget: 3.2 M EUR. TOURR: Towards Optimized Use of Research Reactors in Europe. H2020 EURATOM Programme (EC-GA 945269). Duration: 2020-2023 (3 years). Budget: 1.1 M EUR. MEET-CINCH A Modular European Education and Training Concept in Nuclear and RadioChemistry Projekt H2020. ASGARD Advanced Fuels for Generation IV Reactors: Dissolution and Reprocessing Projekt EU FP7 EURATOM, ECGA 295825 CINCH-II Cooperation in Education and Training in Nuclear Chemistry Projekt EU FP7 EURATOM, ECGA 605173 CINCH Cooperation in Education in Nuclear Chemistry Projekt EU FP7 EURATOM, ECGA 249690 |
Evalion s.r.o.
IČ: 28627601
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