Evalion s.r.o. is a company founded in 2010 by two co-founders, Jakub Heller and Petr Kořán. It is registered by the Registration Court in Prague with Identification No. 28627601.
We believe that the quality of our work and its results has to be based on diligence, creativity, fairness and attention given to each client and each project. We want to contribute to development and realization of projects bringing valuable and durable benefits not only to their authors and project partners but also to any other potential beneficiaries. We do not offer prefabricated solutions but rather invent the new ones, fitting the best the needs and strategic priorities of the cooperating organization.
The spectre of our potential clients is as broad as the scale of funding schemes we are covering:
We offer our services mainly to organizations active in the field of environmental projects (both research and infrastructural). In addition, we gained experience related to the projects realized in the domains of protection of cultural heritage, information technologies and support of small and medium companies.
Evalion s.r.o.
IČ: 28627601
Společnost Evalion s.r.o. je zapsaná v OR vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze, spisová značka C 171604.