Proposal elaboration is the crucial part of the preparation phase. It varies a lot according to type and size of the project as well as the funding scheme and its requirements. Proposal elaboration is a complex task carried out usually in cooperation of larger group of experts and consists of the following activities:

Consortium creation

We assist our clients with identification of the best fitting partners and their involvement in the project consortium. The composition of the consortium may strongly affect project evaluation and also the realization process; therefore the selection of the right partners should not be underestimated. There are many aspects that should be taken into account, such as requested expertise, type and size of partner organization, infrastructural background, geographic location, availability of human and financial resources and of course good experience from previous cooperation.

Time planning

It happens quite often in that unrealistic time schedule (usually too optimistic) negatively affects the realization of the projects, causes delays and substantial problems in cash-flow. Our aim is to avoid such situations by reflecting all potential technical and administrative delays and creating the realistic time schedule of the project and all activities with sufficient time buffers on the critical path.


We use our experience as well as the information provided by the project partners for composition of balanced and well designed project budget, reflecting the actual prices of works, materials and other budget categories. We also check the eligibility of all costs planned by the project partners as respecting the rules of the particular funding scheme and legislation is the necessary condition of project plausibility.

Proposal and Logical Framework drafting

The initial idea has to be transformed into the homogenous material covering all aspects of the project, attractive and intelligible to the evaluators. It usually includes justification of the project, identification of the addressed problems and selected approach of their solution as well as detailed description of technologies. It is normally based on the information and materials gathered from number of cooperating experts and synthesized into the final shape ready for submission.

Evalion s.r.o.

IČ: 28627601

Společnost Evalion s.r.o. je zapsaná v OR vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze, spisová značka C 171604.